Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Just a small summary...

for the friend that will follow us.

We are 4 friends or better two couple: Barbara and Elia, Evgenia and Marco.

At X-mas in front of a cr̻pes we had an idea to make a travel together. With us there was a new friend Рan entertaining Chinese girl Рwho was talking loudly and funny, then the target of the travel came by itself --> China

The idea at the beginning was two weeks but when we started to program the trip it was clear that we needed at least 20 days, but ok also two weeks were not too bad.

We started to have some doubts, somebody of us maybe cannot take 2 weeks of holidays, someone felt ashamed after only 3 months of work to already ask for holiday, someone just didn’t care...

Elia found a super offer to travel to Beijing: 550 Euro, but we had to take it within 72 hours...

In one day, shame or not shame, we asked our bosses for the holidays. They were asked to respond asap and, of course, for a period of 3 weeks :)
Then we started to plan the trip and meanwhile we began to use this blog to exchange our ideas and proposal.

In the blog you can find the map with the last status of our plans. And in the next days we hope to find time to update it with our trip story!

Ni hao

Barbara Elia Evgenia Marco

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