Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tibet experience

We are now in the teddy bear hostel in Mount Emai. Unfortunately there
was no teddy bear waiting for us in the room, the only teddy bear we saw
is in the sign of the hostel. Before writing something about today we
want to share the very nice experience we had in Jiuzhaigou. Arriving at
the airport the first shock was the temperature, only 5 degC! But some
nice shops inside the airport were ready to sell warm jacket. So we
dressed up with all the warm cloths we had, including the wind stopper
just bought in Beijing for 15EUR each. Michael, our guide, was already
waiting for us; the weather was not very nice but the guide revealed us
that four days before it snowed a lot. We draw directly to the
restaurant closed to the park Huanglong passing through 4000 meter pass
listening to Michael and his stories about Jiuzhaigou area. In the
restaurant we tried for the first time the yak meat, founding it very
tasty. After lunch we took the cable car to reach the amazing turquoise
pools. Despite of the many chinese tourists everywhere, the landscape
was great and the colour of the pools breathless. After 6 km walk we
went back to the car to reach the hostel. After 2 hours of chinese style
driving (see dedicated post) through the mountain road we reached the
tibetan hostel in the middle of the countryside. The welcome was great
with a hot tibetan tea drank together with the other western guests. The
dining room was very colourful as all the other rooms and we fell home
immediately (although we had to shear a single bathroom with all the
other guests).
The dinner was simple and good with some vegetable and yak (gummy) meat.
After a tiring day we went to bed around 9:30 p.m. to be in full
strength for getting up early enough to reach the Jiuzheigou park before
the infamous chinese tourists. The breakfast was a bit of a shock
because of the typical tibetan tea: green tea added of a generous piece
of butter made out of yak milk. It certainly woke up us fast. When we
arrived to the park it was already crowd of people but fortunately
Michael was fast to get the tickets for us and to jump into the bus
(Michael resulted to be very efficient even if the information he gave
about the places where not
very detailed). The park was a sequence of blue, turquoise lakes and
waterfall which fells us to be like in a paradise. The only things that
was bringing our foot again on the earth were the flow of chinese trying
to move you out from the best place to take a picture.
The tibetan village full of souvenir was anyway the occasion to see the
typical tibetan houses and to pray in front of the Buddha offering incense.
The last dinner in the Hostel gave us the opportunity to meet new people
from Brasil, Malaysia and and Irish guy who came to visit the family
there: He was working in the Park and he decided to quite the job in
Merrill Lynch for the nice adventure in China.
We are now sitting in the 20 C of Emai. All of us are very hungry
because we decided to watch the show at 20 (very ´kitsch´ and when
arrived in the hostel the kitchen was already closed. The small trip
with the boat to visit the Buddha was short but nice. For lunch we had
the fish which grow only in Email where the three river are crossing. We
had a great time with a pretty and funny guide who is trying to teach us
chinese. She will guide us tomorrow to the Emai mountain.

Now, sitting in front of a green tea, we are making our chinese food top
- street food in Xi´an, grilled skewer of pork and octopus (quite spicy)
- the famous pekinese duck and fried pork ribs
- a delicious fish grilled in a big pan at the table (fortunately an
english guy sitting at the next table order it for us)
- and the yak meet... but cooked in our mums style and served with same
polenta (says Barbara)
- and many more little things bought on the ever present street food

Now is really time to go to bed.
Good night.

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